山东省建筑材料工业设计研究院始建于1979年,是省属重点科研设计单位。位于济南市风景秀丽的青龙山脚下,占地面积19000余平方米,建有科研设计检测用房5000余平方米,各种科研设计检测设备上百台套,已实现设计、管理计算机化、网络化,拥有坚实的设计研究技术基础、先进的装备条件和健全的质保体系。现有职工120人,专业技术人员98人,其中高级工程师47人、工程师26人,涉及的专业有水泥、墙体材料、水泥制品及混凝土砌块、化学建材、非金属矿、建筑、结构、总图、设备、环保、供配电、自动化、给排水暖通、化学分析、工程经济等,人员结构合理、专业门类齐全。 具有中国建筑材料工业工程设计甲级、工程咨询甲级、建筑工程设计乙级等行业资质。承担水泥、新型建筑材料、非金属矿山、民用建筑等工程设计与咨询服务;建材新设备、新产品开发及推广应用;水泥及混凝土外加剂、建筑涂料的开发应用;建材工业新材料检测等业务。 迄今已与国内26个省、市、自治区建材工业和社会各界的数百家企事业单位建立了良好的业务合作关系。先后完成各类工程设计咨询项目上千项,获省部级优秀工程设计一等奖、二等奖、三等奖7项。完成建材科研成果12项,有5项成果获省级新技术、新产品奖励。制定山东省地方标准4项。在水泥、新型建材、非金属矿山、资源综合利用等领域的设计研究特色突出,处于国内建材行业先进水平。通过与冶金、电力、煤炭、化工等相关行业广泛、深入的合作,在钢铁渣、粉煤灰、煤矸石、磷石膏等各类工业废渣的综合利用方面取得丰硕的成果。水泥工程设计近年来走出国门,先后承担刚果、孟加拉、印度、哈萨克斯坦、尼日利亚、越南、肯尼亚、阿尔巴尼亚、匈牙利、叙利亚等一大批国外水泥工程的咨询设计任务。 秉承“技术一流、服务一流”的理念,将充分发挥技术优势,与各界朋友精诚合作,共同发展
About SDBMI(Brief Introduction)
Since its foundation in 1979, Building Materials Industry Design and Research Institute of Shandong Province(SDBMI) has been one of the major design and scientific research units of Shandong province. SDBMI which locates in the city of Jinan in Shandong province is situated the foot of landscape dainty Blue Dragon Mountain. SDBMI has easy access, 19000 m2 of standing, 5000 m2 of structure area, more than one hundred equipments, and comprehensive computerization. SDBMI has consistent design studies supporting technology, advanced equipments and best quality assurance system. At present, SDBMI has the staff of 120, among which 98 are all kinds of technicians, including 47 senior engineers and 26 engineers, and the specialties involved cement, cement product, chemistry building material, non-metallic mineral, construction, structure, general plan, equipment, environmental protection, electric distribution, automation, water supplying and drain, heating and ventilation, chemical analysis, engineering economy, construction cost etc. SDBMI holds the Class A qualification for Design of building material industrial engineering, the Class A qualification for engineering consulting and the Class B qualification for Design of architectural engineering and so on. SDBMI can provide all kinds of Design and Consulting covering Cement Industry Engineering,New Building Materials Engineering,Non-metallic Minerals Exploitation and Civil Architectural Engineering; the Exploitation and Application of the New Building Material Equipments and the New Building Material products; the Exploitation and Application of Cement, Concrete Admixture and Construction Dope; the testing of the New Building Materials and so on. So far, SDBMI has established favorable business contact with more than five hundred units in 26 provinces, completed over one thousand engineering design and consultation projects and gained seven term province & ministry level excellent engineering design prize of first, second and third class, completed twelve term construct material scientific payoffs, five of which gained province level innovation and novelty reward, completed SD four term technical norms and standards. SDBMI lies in advanced stage of domestic industry and experts in design and study for cement engineering, new building material, non-metallic minerals and resource complex utilization. SDBMI, which abroad collaborates with Metallurgy Industry Institute, Power Industry Institute, Coal Industry Institute and Chemical Industry Institute, has got rich harvest in utilization for various industrial residue of steel dregs, fly ash, coal gangue and phosph-gypsum and so on. SDBMI has carried on a lot of overseas consult design of cement engineering, such as Congo, Bengal, India, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Vietnam, Kenya, Albania, Hungary and Syria and so on. SDBMI will take logos of first rate technology and best service, give full play to technical superiority and sincerely collaborate with both domestic and abroad friends.